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Risk and Compliance


Risk and Compliance

In a globalized world with increasingly changing regulatory demands, organizations must make sure to adequately identify risks such as money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or corruption.

Regulators are assuming a very active role in the implementation of adequate measures.

Banks, financial institutions and insurance companies, among others, must be aware of the new legislation about money laundering and terrorist financing prevention, both in the local and international fields.

The same happens with organizations operating in multiple jurisdictions as regards the risk of corruption, because compliance is demanded under the legal standards of each different location.

Nowadays, ensuring transparency and business feasibility at an international level is fundamental and, therefore, companies must implement preventive and essential control measures to effectively minimize such risks.

Our audits and assessments are aimed at detecting the vulnerabilities, assessing procedures, internal controls, internal reporting system and any other elements that ensure regulatory compliance.

The result is the contribution of specific recommendations to help compliance with and development of surveillance programs under the regulations in force.

About our Risk and Compliance Compliance programs


Having an effective Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention system is essential for all subjects compelled to report unusual operations. Our team has international experience in Latin America, assisting banks, financial institutions and investment funds in designing, implementing and completing an independent review of their compliance programs.


There are extensive regulations – both locally and internationally – which establish companies’ liabilities in case of corruption. Having a corporate Compliance Program under the applicable regulatory standards is fundamental, because it allows to develop an ethical culture and to detect and investigate possible corruption cases. Our team is experienced in developing Compliance Programs for companies doing business in different industries in Latin America and in investigating into cases of corruption within organizations.


Fraud is one of the main risks that companies face worldwide. According to estimates, 5% of the world GDP is lost because of fraud.Our team is specialized both in designing fraud prevention controls and in investigating corporate fraud cases to identify where they are taking place, the individuals involved and the amount in question.



Having an adequate and strong Compliance Program tailored to an organization is a fundamental element to effectively manage the risks of corruption, fraud, money laundering, and to build a true ethical culture. Depending on the organization, it may be an essential element for regulatory compliance.The professionals of G5 Integritas may help you develop and implement an effective Compliance Program or update the same where necessary.


Having an effective Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention system is essential for all subjects compelled to report unusual operations. Our team has international experience in Latin America, assisting banks, financial institutions and investment funds in designing, implementing and completing an independent review of their compliance programs.


There are extensive regulations – both locally and internationally – which establish companies’ liabilities in case of corruption. Having a corporate Compliance Program under the applicable regulatory standards is fundamental, because it allows to develop an ethical culture and to detect and investigate possible corruption cases. Our team is experienced in developing Compliance Programs for companies doing business in different industries in Latin America and in investigating into cases of corruption within organizations.


Fraud is one of the main risks that companies face worldwide. According to estimates, 5% of the world GDP is lost because of fraud.Our team is specialized both in designing fraud prevention controls and in investigating corporate fraud cases to identify where they are taking place, the individuals involved and the amount in question.



Having an adequate and strong Compliance Program tailored to an organization is a fundamental element to effectively manage the risks of corruption, fraud, money laundering, and to build a true ethical culture. Depending on the organization, it may be an essential element for regulatory compliance.
The professionals of G5 Integritas may help you develop and implement an effective Compliance Program or update the same where necessary.

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