Some years ago (and not that many), having surveillance cameras in our homes was not usual. However, in the current days, and thanks to the lower costs of equipment, and the improvements regarding easier usage, its installation became more and more common.
Every day we can see how images of surveillance cameras are used more frequently as evidence of crimes or felonies, or urban accidents. They can be private cameras (building’s security) or companies, which control de accesses to its premises, or public ones, used for street surveillance, in which we can see how delinquents act or street accidents happen.
Up to this moment, this is useful, until a question raises: Where are the images stored? Can we obtain a copy of the images?
There are several CCTV systems with different levels of complexity, which don’t store images or are not set up to do so, even when they include the technical capacity to store them. This huge mistake overturns the main purpose of any CCTV system, which is to provide evidence to resolve an incident when it already happened or, more important yet, to be able to control situations before they happen.
Leaving aside the second case, because for that we need a real time monitoring center and the possibility to act immediately (adequate security staff). The first case, that is case investigation, it became a daily activity and, unfortunately, necessary.
Current surveillance cameras systems allow installation in an easy and quick manner, which lower cost and minimum maintenance; a series of cameras offers the advantage of monitor them through our mobile phone or computer, even if we are having a vacation in any place in the world.
The key role of these systems is to provide evidence of what was captured by the cameras, and to do so, is necessary to set up the system to store images in any kind of device. Nowadays it is possible to store the images in a “cloud” to avoid the thieves, stealing the equipment, may enter in possession of the images. This would prevent us to provide the images as evidence enforcement authority. WiFi technology cameras can be used, which turns its installation easier, since there is no need to use wires. Also, current technology in these cameras offer high-definition images, even in spaces or areas with scarce light, more evolved than the ones which were available in the market a decade ago. Older models of cameras needed a constant and professional calibration.
Technology evolution and low cost of these systems, make that currently many people can have protection systems in their home, business and office. The most important matter is to know how to configure the system in order to take maximum advantage of its functions.
No system is efficient or effective by itself. They are tools which must be used as part of an integral security system, which is basically formed by procedures or action protocols, technical equipment (CCTV, access controls and alarm systems) and human resources which can be professional security guards, or in a lower and personal scale, ourselves and our family members.
Having in force security procedures together with the use of technology may considerably increase the security of the environment in relation to the current risks to which we are exposed.
G5 Integritas counts with highly qualified professionals who can assist you in the design of the better protection systems. If you are interested in improving the security of your company, please contact us at contact.ba@g5integritas.com or visit our website www.g5integritaslatam.com